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i wanna be the guy苹果版

i wanna be the guy苹果版

大小:23.7 MB 时间:2020-02-17
类别:角色扮演 系统:IOS 153次下载
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i wanna be the guy,中文名《我要当爷们》,是一款难度很高的冒险类手游,这款游戏让大部分玩家玩到手麻,一般来说不死上那么几千次是过不了的。没玩过的人绝对会成为冷嘲热讽的对象。玩家将体验一个年轻、懵懂的孩子为了追寻理想中的角色所经历的过程。变幻莫测的完美剧情只是这项无限创意中的一部分,令人沮丧的跳跃和射击的挑战会使你对这个主角小孩产生敬意。

以难度出名的IWBTG! 总共有4种难度: 中等(Medium),难(Hard),超难(Very Hard),和不可能(Impossible)(注:看起来是不可能通关,实际上这是给高玩和TAS专门准备的)。 随著玩家选择的难度提升,游戏里的存档点也会跟著减少,到impossible只剩下一个只会出现1/30秒的存档点;玩家必须在那1/30秒内成功的用子弹射到存档点才行(仅限guy)。

This is an adventure game that can make most players feel desperate. You need to go through hundreds of attempts to pass these very difficult levels! It's really very hard for people. The general players can't bear the psychological attack and strong sense of loss. Only the really great players can stick to the end and successfully pass every super difficult level! Do you think you can be the ultimate hero? Try it!



